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Therm-X-Trol Tank, 1/2 in, for Tankless Units



Therm-X-Trol expansion tanks are designed to control pressure in commercial closed, potable hot water systems. Available in diaphragm, partial acceptance bladder and full acceptance bladder designs, these tanks range in size from 2 gallons (7.6 liters) to 528 gallons (2,000 liters). Offered with maximum working pressure up to 300 PSIG (21 bar), Therm-X-Trol is effective at protecting the water heater and other plumbing fixtures while saving energy and money. Available in ASME and Non-ASME models.


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  • Protects Tankless and Point Of Use (P.O.U.) water heaters against thermal expansion and water hammer.
  • For use in closed, potable water systems to control pressure build-up
  • Meets Manufacturer and Plumbing Code requirements. Prevents relief valve spillage and protects sensitive heat exchangers.
Series: ST
Capacity: 2 gal
Diameter: 3-1/2 in
Height: 4 in
Material: Glass-Filled Composite
Pressure Rating: 150 psi