Sioux Chief 523 Series PowerBar universal bracketing system shall be used where necessary for supporting pipe or stub outs. Bracket shall be corrosion resistant, adjust telescopically from 14"-26", and have dual fastening tabs on each end. Pilot holes for #6-#10 screws shall be provided on three sides of the bracket. System shall include screws for fastening tabs, and optional adjustable channel clamps with elastomer inserts for fastening any pipe, tube, cable, etc. System shall be approved for use with copper tube, CPVC tube, PEX/PB tube, steel pipe, CSST lines, plastic or steel conduit, and low voltage DataCom cable. System shall be UV resistant, and shall be IAPMO certified.
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Galvanized steel bracket and tough plastic clamp are strong and support tube or pipe without bowing
Shorter bracket expands to fit openings from 9 to 16 in
Longer bracket expands to fit openings from 14 to 26 in