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1 qt Heavy Duty Low VOC Medium Body PVC Cement, Clear



Heavy duty (HD) medium bodied cement is a quick setting, clear cement for use on all schedules and classes of PVC pipe and fittings up to 6 in Dia with interference fit. This low VOC solvent cement meets california south coast air quality management district (SCAQMD) 1168/316A or BAAQMD method 40 and various environmental requirements. Our drip free formula keeps cement on the dauber in overhead installations. WHITLAM® 's HD PVC cement is recommended for potable water, pressure pipe, conduit and as a one-step solvent weld cement for drain, waste and vent (DWV).


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  • Low VOC quick setting
  • Drip free formula
  • Excellent one-step for DWV
Suitable For Use With: All Schedules and Classes of PVC Pipe and Fittings Upto 6 in Dia with Interference Fit
Type: Heavy Duty Low VOC Medium Body
Container Size: 1 qt
Color: Clear
Composition: Tetrahydrofuran (THF), Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK), Cyclohexanone, Acetone
Curing Time: 24 hours
Drying Time: 20 seconds
Odor/Scent: Ether and Acetone Like
Temperature Rating: 10 to 120 deg F