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1 Quart 781 Low VOC Medium Body Clear PVC Cement



Weld-On® 781™ is a clear or gray, low VOC emission, medium bodied, fast setting, high strength PVC solvent cement for all classes and schedules of pipe and fittings with interference fit through 6 in (160 mm) diameter, Schedule 80 through 4 in (110 mm) diameter. Can be used without primer on non-pressure systems if permitted by local codes.


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  • Formulated for all classes and schedules with interference fit through 6 in (160 mm) dia, schedule 80 through 4 in (110 mm) dia for plumbing applications
  • Can be used without primer on non-pressure systems if local code
  • Heavy syrupy liquid
CompositionTetrahydrofuran, Methyl Ethyl Ketone, Cyclohexanone, Acetone
Container Size1 qt
Setting TimeFast
Suitable For Use WithPVC Plastic Pipe
TypeLow VOC Medium Body