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1-Gang Humidity Sensing Wall Control Switch



The new control uses Broan®-NuTone® proven Sensaire humidity sensing technology, which can detect a rapid rise in humidity to turn the fan on. It responds to increases in humidity up to 4X faster than other humidity sensors, to help fight mold and improve air quality.


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  • Sensaire™ technology - responds to increases in humidity rather than waiting for condensation to form or a relative humidity set-point to be reached
  • Faceplate not included
  • Automatically senses humidity and turns on fan
  • Responds 4X faster than other humidity sensors
  • Precise sensitivity adjustment - variable setting from 20% to 80% relative humidity so the fan works when the homeowner wants it to regardless of climate or season
  • Continuous ventilation mode - operates fan for set minutes per hour to achieve targeted average cfm levels and efficiently meet ASHRAE 62.2 whole house mechanical ventilation (WHMV) requirements
  • Sensaire™ with relative humidity set-point mode - offers the flexibility to satisfy local range of adjustment codes
  • Decorator style design with settings behind concealed door - blends in seamlessly with existing switches
  • User adjustable delay shut-off timer - allows run-time customization for different bathrooms
  • Manual operation mode for ultimate user control
  • LED "on" indicator light and manual operation mode
  • Fits single gang box - 120 VAC, 60 Hz