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Digital Pocket Thermometer, Pen Style



The PDT550 is a versatile and rugged pocket thermometer featuring an extended temperature range, built-in magnetic mount and waterproof case. The PDT550 provides reliable and accurate measurements in demanding environments. They are perfect for HVAC, refrigeration and food service areas, or anywhere temperature monitoring is critical.


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  • Waterproof
  • Smoke, goldenrod, emerald, royal blue, cherry five translucent colors for unique applications
  • Thermometers sold to distributors in five color assortment sets
  • +/- 1.8 deg F in the range -22 to 302 deg F otherwise +/-4 deg F accuracy
  • 0.1 to 19.9 deg/199.9 deg otherwise 1 deg resolution
  • Built-in magnetic mount
  • Records minimum and maximum temperature
  • Dual purpose probe cover serves as thermometer extension
  • Auto power off
  • Quick and easy to read
  • Hold freezes the current temperature reading
  • Easy access battery compartment
  • Enhanced accuracy of digital circuitry
Type: Digital
Accuracy: +/-1.8 deg F
Battery Type: AB13
Resolution: 0.1 to 19.9 deg
Temperature Rating: -58 to 572 deg F