The Tecmate Pro™ Service Tool, MARS stock #08500 is the latest advance in ECM technology developed by and for Genteq Motors. The Tecmate allows the service technician to analyze a Genteq ECM motor independently of the HVAC system in which it is installed. The Tecmate can test all the basic settings of a Genteq ECM motor, and can detect and isolate motor failures from HVAC system failures. Genteq is the leader in ECM motor technology. ECM motor applications are a fast growing segment of the residential and light commercial HVAC market. Genteq's advanced designs in ECM motors are at the forefront of high efficiency equipment design.
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Analyzes GE ECM motors independent of the HVAC system
Test basic settings of fan-only, heating, cooling and dehumidify and variable speed
Detect and isolate motor failures from HVAC system failures