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Tomahawk PrimePerfect 695-Y52 Trap Primer Wye Splitter, 1/2 in FNPT Swivel Connection, Copper, Domestic



Sioux Chief 695 series trap primer splitters shall be installed in conjunction with Sioux Chief 695 series mechanical trap primers. Sioux Chief splitters shall allow multiple drains to be primed per trap primer device. Splitters shall connect to primer tailpiece below the vacuum breaker and allow for up to 8 drainage traps to be serviced/primed. Splitters shall connect with a female swivel or captured FIP connection.


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  • Available with two, three or four flexible copper branches
  • Evenly distributes water to each branch every time
  • Brass, copper and no-lead solder wye splitter body, brass wye splitter branches, brass, copper and no-lead distributor body, copper distributor branches and ABS distributor branch plug
  • 1/2 in FIP swivel x (2) 1/2 in MIP outlet
  • 1/2 in FIP captured nut
Series: 695-Y
Dimensions: 4-3/4 in H x 2-3/8 in W
Connection: 1/2 in FNPT Swivel
Domestic/Import: Domestic
Length: 0
Material: Copper