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Cold Shield Spray Gel



Welding Blue Monster Arctic Armor creates a thermal barrier that protects surfaces from costly heat damage during soldering, welding and brazing operations. Spray on hard-to-reach surfaces or apply to any surface to shield studs, walls, floors and other surfaces from flames, sparks and molten splash. Arctic Armor-s unique gelled formula sticks to surfaces without drips and runs, and evaporates within 48 hours eliminating cleanup. Arctic Armor is non-toxic, non-corrosive, non-flammable and 100% biodegradable.


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  • Protects components and materials during soldering to avoid heat damage
  • Protects valves during soldering
  • Reduces the threat of costly heat damage to valve seals and gaskets
  • Protects painted and nished surfaces from discoloration due to torch heat
  • Unique gelled formula sticks to surfaces without dripping or running off
  • Clear, non-staining gel leaves no residue, eliminating cleanup
  • Safe, non-toxic, harmless to skin, and odorless
Container Size: 32 oz
Container Type: Bottle