The ZD is a power close and spring open damper. It has a 24-volt motor used to control circulating air in HVAC systems and used when a normally-open damper is required. The ZD is typically used with the TrueZONE and other electronic zoning systems.
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Mechanical visual position indicator for damper status
Solid construction using extruded aluminum frame and blades
Parallel blade design for low leakage performance
Simple, easy-to wire, two wire installation with a third wire option M4 for LED open only light
Reliable, strong, 24 V spring return motor
Fail-safe, normally open operation
Ordering Instructions: Order ZD (dimensions 1) x (dimensions 2), (motor is always mounted on dimensions 2 side) for example, ZD10x8 is a 10 in x 8 in damper with the motor on the 8 in side, but a ZD8x10 is an 8 in x 10 in damper that has the motor on the 10 in side
Damper can be installed in any orientation (mounting side can be on either the bottom or the side of the duct)