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Zoned Comfort Control Expandable Zone Control Panel



Aprilaire offers flexibility for all your zoned comfort control applications by providing you with all the features you demand. Accounting for excess system pressure is a requirement of any zone control system and we know there are many options for pressure relief. That is why Aprilaire supports all the popular options. You can choose from Aprilaire's exclusive 'Controlled Pressure Relief' method (which requires no bypass damper), using a bypass damper along with plenum temperature control or the oversized ductwork method.


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  • Any zone sets modes provides true independent control for each zone
  • Thermostat flexibility, use single or multi-stage heat/cool or heat pumps thermostats depending on the application
  • Selectable staging options, stage be time, thermostat inputs or number of zone calling
  • Time delay override speed checkout for the installed
  • Work with 2 or 3 wires dampers, compatibility if you are changing our an old panel with 3 wires damper
  • Adjustable purge timing: compatibility with all brand of equipment
  • Accessory terminals: auxiliary outputs relays available to control humidifiers, electronic air cleaner or others accessories tied to heat or blower operation
  • Dual fuel operation: control of heat pumps with fossil fuel auxiliary heat
  • 140 deg F temperature
  • 50 or 60 Hz frequency
  • Can use 18 or 20 AWG solid (non-stranded) wires
  • Continuous fan be zone individual zone thermostats can call for fan operation independently for ventilation
  • Zone changeover based on time, if call for opposite modes exist, the control panel will alternate to satisfy each call
  • Fan purce: assures air is directed to lasts zone(s) calling
  • Short cycle protection, protects the HVAC equipment from too frequent cycles
  • Maintenance free, no maintenance or adjustment needed after installation
  • Plenum temperature control (adjustable), protects equipment from excessive high and low temperatures caused be reduced airflow or bypassing to the returns
  • LED status indicators(visible through cover), simplifies start up and troubleshooting
  • Single control for all equipment types, operates single or multi-stage heat/cool or heat pumps system up to 12 zone
Type: New Design
Stages: 2
Width: 8.85 in
Height: 14.72 in
Number of Zones: 4 to 12
Voltage Rating: 20 to 30
Amperage Rating: 3
Depth: 1.86 in
Display Type: LED
Suitable For Use With: Universal Multi-Stage and Heat Pumps